What makes an Electronic Cigarette tick?
The e cigarette or Electronic Cigarette vapor is virtually odorless. There is no ash what so ever, no cigarette butts and definitely no need for a cigarette lighter. The E cigarette looks just like a real cigarette and tastes just like the real thing. It will never burn up anything simply because it does not need fire. You can smoke it anywhere any time. If you happen to use it in office, you colleagues wouldn't even know that you are smoking. Electronic cigarettes protects your family and friends health as there is no scope for what is called 2nd hand smoke. Typically, Electronic cigarettes come with disposable cartridges and are usually available in different flavors and different concentrations of nicotine. These days the electronic cigarettes are available at very competent prices.
How does an actual electroic cigarette work?
Typically, the electronic cigarette is made up of 2 pieces, one atomizer also known as the cartridge, and a rechargeable battery which is in the tobacco area of normal cigarette. These 2 pieces join together to work as one piece which looks just like a normal cigarette. We can use it just like a normal cigarette and take a puff, it turns it on whith a red led that lights up the end of the smokeless cigarette, looks just like the real thing. It usually has a USB charger that you can plug into any USB ports on the computer. Some times it also has a plug in electric outlet charger as well. Charging is simple, just unscrew the battery end of the electric cigarette and plug it right into the charging unit. A typical charge lasts anywhere between 1 and 2 days and varies from vendor to vendor.
The following picture gives a good idea about the variety of designs available:

Thanks to http://witnessthis.wordpress.com/2009/09/14/lets-do-the-twisp/twisp-design/